
Bosch BannerBosch-Cyprus

How every thing started with Bosch
In 1886, Robert Bosch founded the “Workshop for Precision Mechanics and Electrical Engineering” in Stuttgart. This was the birth of today’s globally operating company. Right from the start, it was characterized by innovative strength and social commitment all around the world.

Globalization since 1990
The Iron Curtain came down, Asia provided new markets, and software opened up new opportunities for Bosch. The last three decades have brought rapid economic change, which the company has to face head-on.

Bosch offers
Bosch offers you individual solutions for your home to make life a bit easier every day. One Bosch home appliance is lots of possibilities. Proud of the awards won by our products and our brand as they independently confirm what we already think. Bosch provides its customers with great quality and performance all over Cyprus.

That is why everyone needs to have a bosch home appliance!

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